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Develop a flappy bird game with Phaser3 step by step

If you need a pro developer to create Phaser games for you, go to my fiverr website:

Game Demo Preview:

Display the UI

Init the highscore by reading it from localstorage, if it’s first time playing, just set highScore to 0

this.highScore=window.localStorage.getItem("flappyhighscore") || 0;

The start button and restart button

this.startBtn = this.add.image(game.config.width/2,game.config.height/2,"startText").setInteractive();//create a sprite for start button and set it interactive for mouse click.

this.startBtn.on('pointerdown', this.startGame.bind(this)); //bind the mouse click event to call startGame function when the mouse pointer is pressed down on the start button.

this.restartButton = this.add.image(game.config.width/2, 300, "restartBtn").setInteractive()//create a sprite for restart button and set it interactive for mouse click.

this.restartButton.on('pointerdown', this.restartGame.bind(this)) //bind the mouse click event to call restartGame function when the mouse pointer is pressed down on the start button.

this.restartButton.visible = false;// only show restart button when gameover

Add the background and the plane

Add background image and display at position 0,0

this.bg1 = this.add.image(0, 0, "bg").setOrigin(0, 0);

Add bird as a physcis sprite at position 80,310

this.bird = this.physics.add.sprite(80, 310, "bird");

Sets bird's body collides with the world boundary to prevent fly beyond top boundary


Game Control

Detect when pressed up arrow on keyboard

if (this.cursors.up.isDown )

give the plane 300 speed up in the Y direction to make it fly up.


Move the pipes

The idea is that the plane will not move on the X axis. The pipes will move towards the plane to the left direction.

This way the game creates an illusion that the plane is flying past the pipes.

Give the pipe 150 speed on X axis to the left, to move the pipes to the left towards the plane:


Randomize pipe position

The new pipes should be placed a "horizontalGap" distance from the last pipes to the left

this.curPipePosX+= this.horizontalGap;

The upper pipe's Y position will be random value

const topPipePosY = Phaser.Math.Between(70, game.config.height-70-this.verticalGap);

The vertical gap distance between the upper pipe and lower pipe will be random value between 150 and 220

this.verticalGap = Phaser.Math.Between(150,220);

The lower pipe's Y position will be the upper pipe's Y position plus the vertialGap

this.pipeBottom = this.pipes.create(this.curPipePosX, topPipePosY + this.verticalGap, "pipeBottom").setOrigin(0, 0);

Check plane passed pipe and add score

If the pipe’s right boundary position is less than the player's X position, means the plane passed this pipe.

if ( pipe.getBounds().right < PLANE_POS_X )

So that we can increment the score, and check if the current score is higher than the highest score, if so, update the highest score record.



this.textScore.setText( this.score);

Game over when plane hit the pipe

Add collision detection between plane and the pipes

this.physics.add.collider(this.bird, this.pipes, this.onHitBird.bind(this))

and when the collision happens, the onHitBird function will be called.

Pause all physcis effect, everything in physics world


Show restart button for user to restart the game.

this.restartButton.visible = true;


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